Hawk's Eye Guru Bead, Tiger's Eye Guru Bead
Beautiful Hawk’s Eye (Blue Tiger’s Eye) AAA quality, 16mm diameter with 1.5mm hole
Beautiful Hawk’s Eye (Blue Tiger’s Eye) AAA quality, 16mm diameter with 1.5mm hole
Beautiful Hawk’s Eye (Blue Tiger’s Eye) AAA quality, 16mm diameter with 1.5mm hole
TIGER'S EYE ability to bestow fierce focus and primal power bolsters its tiger-like reputation. This crystal shifts your outlook so that you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself. Is there a new hobby you’d like to try? A solution to a problem you haven’t considered? An aspect to yourself that you haven’t indulged? Tiger’s eye connects to the solar plexus and sacral chakras to ground you in the power you need to pursue those ventures.
HAWK’S EYE aka BLUE TIGER’S EYE provides a state of calmness, and reduces tension and anxiety; additionally it helps with depression, alleviates feelings of frustration, enhances mental focus, and supports clear thinking and effective decision making. This stone is popular with those who practice shamanic arts, this as it can be used during astral travel for protection; and as an ‘eye stone’ it enhances clairvoyant readings and remote viewing sessions. One of its more valuable properties, is that it helps us to garner life messages that would otherwise lie hidden within various daily events. To healers it is regarded as an asset as it blocks them from negative energy. Because it balances the throat chakra it promotes honest communication and allows effective speech with integrity. In the home it encourages you to open your mind to pursue new projects and valuable life experiences. In the workplace it will guide one towards higher learning, expanding skills and talents, and assisting one to find opportunities in line with one’s ambitions. Improving your luck, seeing the big picture in all circumstances, and bringing raw energy to manifest in practical ways, are all potential benefits of working with Hawk’s Eye.