Pietersite Guru Bead
14mm Pietersite with 1.5mm hole
14mm Pietersite with 1.5mm hole
14mm Pietersite with 1.5mm hole
PIETERSITE is also known as the Tempest Stone because the swirling colors in the mineral can look like a storm. It is said to "hold the keys to the kingdom of heaven". Pietersite helps one cope with unprocessed images and inner conflict. Pietersite strengthens personal power and the ability to shine. It is useful for improving self esteem, joy, enthusiasm and courage. Use this stone to have confidence in one’s perceptions. It dissolves stubborn blockages, clears confusion and helps one to speak out. Pietersite can ‘light a fire’ under the base chakra, giving one the resolve to take action and change one’s life. It can help one to become fearless and overcome uncertainty and indecision. Pietersite helps to process impressions faster and to remain open to absorb spiritual content. Pietersite is a stone of vision that can be used for a vision quest or shamanic journey. It works with the body during meditation by quickly accessing a high state of awareness. It stimulates the third eye and pineal gland, accessing intuition and profound visions and precognition. It activates mind and imagination, stimulates psychic vision and enhances telepathy. It acts as an etheric lightning rod, grounding high-frequency energy into the physical realm. Pietersite activates hidden corners of one’s energy field revealing new directions for life. It helps clear stagnant energies, habits and patterns from one’s life and encourages one to take action toward one’s dreams. It is a good stone to enhance clairvoyance and psychic insight and is considered a spiritual activation stone. It helps one find new directions and move forward. It strongly activates the chakra system to help in grounding the full spectrum of electromagnetic energy, increasing the amount of light energy in one’s body and energy field.